// You are Cassea Rivera. You click on a notes document to add your observations about the biology on Planet–82DCL.

  Rana albuveru
    Small, brown, white-bellied frogs with darker splotches that secrete a semen-like  substance from their skin as a self-defense mechanism. (gross)

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  Falsumranaveru saliensvermis
    Worm-like creatures that look similar to that of Whitebellied Frog's substance that  throw themselves into a predator's mouth. (leaves a bitter and/or salty taste)

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  Falsus larvae
    A grub-like, transparent creature (looks similar to Scarab beetle larvae, but is  transparent and doesn't go through metamorphosis) that squirts out an orange tendril  that it uses to latch onto branches and to find places to lay their eggs and sometimes  uses their eggs that are also transparent as self-defense. The eggs can also squirt out  a similar poisonous tendril, but if you have any covering–that includes pants, long  socks, long sleeved shirts and shoes–it can't penetrate through and you can pull it or  scrape it off using a stick or gloves.

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  Piscis foramen
    "Latch Fish"–A transparent, whiteish-blue fish that play dead much like an opossum,  but once a predator turns their back. The fish throws themself on the back of the  predator and stick on, until it is pulled off. (not sure why they do this, but I'm  guessing it is a way to scare away a predator)

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  Aptenodytes fuscus
    A species of penguin similar to the ones on Earth, but they have double the amount of  blubber and are about the size as an adult human. They have brownish-black feathers that  absorb the heat that comes from Invictus (this planet's sun). (very docile and  intelligent; good to snuggle up against in the Septe tundra; eats "Latch Fish")

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  Viridipunctatacolumbae arborforaminishabitator
  A species of dove-like birds with green, speckled feathers that has the same behavior  as woodpeckers on Earth.

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  Acrochordus quamquiris
  A foot-long, colorful, fuzzy, snake-like creatures with a long snout. (very friendly  and curious)

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  Petraturturem lapiscutis
  A species of turtles that use sticky mud as a glue and roll around in gravel that they  use as a protection. These turtles are very sacred to the Ama'elledei. According to  Ama'elledei legend, these turtles were made by Bovra and Parenim as a dream guide.

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  Caudatus gaiaursi
  A species of black bear-like creatures that has a long, furry tail.

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  Longumbris gaiaursi
  A species of bear-like creatures that looks similar to a domestic cat (Felis catus) and  is three meters tall (9ft) with black fur and long legs.

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  Attondentsimae parvaequus
  A creature that looks like a horse from a distance, but has a trunk like an elephant or  a tapir.

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  Levisemita anguillae
  "Lumos fish-eel"-A bioluminescent, freshwater eel-like creature. They are seen in  rivers and during the spring, they migrate to lakes to mate and reproduce.

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