The crew of Starship Naglfar studies the biology, geology and the climate of planets with a hands-off approach. Airships are sent by the captain and are lead by a Head Biologist, Geologist or Climatologist.
Crew of The Starship Naglfar
Captain: Avytorb "Champ" Nesitt
- Intern: Ismene Eve
Custodian: Nybsqibs Triton
The crew of the Airship Merlin are sent to Planet-82DCL study the weather climate and to report to the captain.
Crew of The Airship Merlin
Head Biologist: Cassea Ivy Rivera
Head Climatologist: Wuvjik Phzui'aui
- Intern: Jack Tiberius Jaeger
Head Botanist: Gasper Pollux
- Intern: Eiku Andromeda