//> Date: March 27, 3106 Dr. Nathan H. Smith stood on the edge of a ten foot wide hole outside of Department #B4. On his left was a clean shaven man with dark hair. Dr. Nicholas Mochivinski was his name and next to him was Dr. Anthony Alberotte. The researchers stood near the edge of the hole, along with him. A sharp dressed man dressed in a dark coat and a dark blue tie gives a researcher a walkie talkie. The supervisor of the group and Head of Department Executive of Exploration, Dr. Marcus Eachmann goes to the very back of the room. "Are you ready, Dr. Smith?" he asks. He nods. Mochivinski was finishing up fixing Smith's strap of his harness. "There. Alright, good luck." he says as he pats Smith on the back. To be honest, he was a little nervous about exploring the deep crevice that somehow formed a few feet away from the Department. He could feel a warm breeze moving up to his face. It kept getting warmer the farther he descended. It was a few minutes after he was lowered down into the hole. "How are you feeling down there, Smith?" Eachmann asked. "Yeah, I'm alright." said Smith. "What do you see?" "Have you reached ground yet?" "I have, yes." "Okay, I'll check in with you in a minute." Smith turned on his flashlight. A few more minutes has passed as he explored the dark tunnel, leaving a trail of glowsticks. "Smith, I need a visual." said over the walkie-talkie. "Alright, I'm turning the cam on right now." he says, switching the camera on. "There's a light up ahead.". He lifts up camera. "I'm gonna leave you on your own, now. But remember if something bad were to happen, you can call somebody on the walkie to pull you out." "Will do." He walks towards the light. The camera shows that he stepped into a place with red rocks, gray stalagmites and warm, bright yellow liquid that oozed out of the walls which formed pools and even poured out onto the edge, like some kind of waterfall. Smith turns his camera to a nearby pile of rocks. He picks them up in his hand. "They must be full of iron, maybe that's why they're so red." He moves the rocks in his hand, leaving stains on it. He drops the rocks back onto the ground and wipes his stained hand on his coat. A screech is heard. He turns around along with his camera. Something big and white floats over him. "Woah..." he breathed. The white, big thing moans and disappears through a wall of the large opening of the cave. "Huh." He looks around with his camera. He spots something similar to an outdoor shopping mall made out of a dark brick-like material. "What’s that over there?" Once he arrived at the place, he looked around with her camera. The ground was similar to an eighteenth century cobblestone and brick road. "This is… kinda… cool... I guess..." As he walked, he noticed that it wasn't as empty as he thought it was. He saw shadowy apparitions walking around. He passed multiple individuals hustling in every direction which varied in shape and size. He noticed a shadowy black creature with two pairs of glowing, white eyes in the crowd that was taller than anything he has ever seen with long arms that dragged onto the ground and a hunched back with sharp, pointy spikes along its back. He followed its movement with the camera as it walked past by him. He kept moving until he heard soft, muffled crying from an alleyway... or what he thought was an alleyway. It was a hole in a wall that was made out of the red rocks outside of the structure. He decided to follow it. "Hello...?" he called out. "I don't know if that was an echo,... or... I just swore I heard a quiet ''Hello.'' back..." He kept exploring the tunnel. It was as dark as the one he walked in from the beginning. He turned on his flashlight. "I'm not sure if I'm not going anywhere near the crying. Now, it just seems like it's coming from everywhere. But it seems like... I'm being followed... or watched even.". It became deathly quiet as he happened upon a wall. "Well, it seems like a dead end.". He turned away from the wall, but then he heard something drop in behind him. He turns around and lifts the camera up. It was a creature with centipede-like features with spider-like legs from its abdomen. He starts to run, not noticing the extra bipedal footsteps quickly following close by them. He ran out of the tunnel and the creature kept pursuing him, pummeling a few disformed creatures as others flew away, some turned into smoke and seemingly to teleport to other places unphased. Nathan then ran inside into a building similar to an old, western jailhouse with dark red brick walls. The floor is the same red rocks outside of the building. The creature charged past by the building. He leaned back against the wall to catch his breath. He sighed and looked out the window. He watched the arthropod creature rage out of his sight, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. He carefully walks out of the building and out onto the street. He leaves the dark brick place and back into the hole he came out of. He followed the trail of glowsticks he left. Once he got to the first end of the trail, he tugged at the strap and notified to any inspector that he was ready to get out. He felt something squeezed him tight as he ascended. Ever so slowly, Dr. N Mochivinski accompanied by Dr. Alberotte pulled him up. As he was pulled up to the surface of the hole, he felt lighter as if whatever was holding onto him let go. But there was no sign of whatever it was anywhere.