Agent Smith returned into the hole for recording more data. He explored in the “small town” more and especially the “old jailhouse”. He entered the building and kept walking further inside. “Heh, just like the Tardis from Doctor Who.” he thought. The camera showed that it was bigger on the inside with rows of empty jail cells on both sides. At least he thought that they were empty, a few had dead bodies—skeletons and empty, shriveled exoskeletons of whatever was locked in each cell. Others having more than one body inside and even a few were propped up on the outside. A shadow of something was shown the camera, but Smith didn’t notice it only to be startled by a bipedal, lion cub-like entity. “Please… help me…” it said. “Hey, uh… should I… help… this guy…?” he asked Eachmann. “I think you should come back to him…” Eachmann said. “Right now we need more data about this place.” Smith turns to the lion cub creature and says, “Sorry… I’ll get back to you… I’ll get back to you, okay?”. He leaves the creature. He looks back to it and it gives him a sad look. He felt bad for it. He sighs and continues exploring the jailhouse; the camera picks up muffled noises coming from the other side of the building. He then later returns to the cell the creature was in, it was now empty with two sets of footprints with a third pair of them being dragged inbetween the other two.