10/29/3105 It's been a few weeks and a couple of months since Xandra has been hired to the SCP Foundation. Kirby has his arms out feeling the walls of the hallway near Xandra's office. "Do-do you have bad eyesight?" she asked. "Yes, but actually no. I just don't know where my glasses are. Everything's so blurry right now." Stanley walks in and gives Kirby his glasses by putting them on his face. "Thanks… you had these the whole time?". Stanley chuckles. "Jerk..." mutters Kirby. His cousin laughs and says, "Okay, let's go or we'll be late." . . . The three researchers walk down the hallway. Kenneth joins them. Kirby waves at him. He waves back, silently. The group head into the conference room. The noises of people discussing things filled Xandra's ears. She did pick up on a few sentences here and there, but nothing she didn't pay attention to. Just then the meeting started. Someone turned off the lights and turned on the projector. It shined on a whiteboard in front of the table. She can barely read what was on the screen. Kenneth stepped up. Xandra squints. The writing on the screen was still a little blurry for her. She puts her glasses on. "You have bad eyesight, too?" asks Kirby, in a low voice. "Yeah, I'm just nearsighted." whispers Xandra. A few minutes have passed. Xandra could feel something near her nose. She rubbed her finger near the spot. "Shit!" she hissed. She quickly held her hand over it. "Is your nose bleeding?" Kirby mutters to Xandra. She nods and mutters back to him, "It sometimes happens in colder weather. I just need to get cleaned up.". She excuses herself and runs out into the hallway. . . . She bumps into someone. She looks up. It was a man in a labcoat that was worn over a gray vest and a teal-blue necktie. She backs up. "I don't think you headbutted me that hard." he said. She kept her hand on her nose. "Oh, is it actually bleeding?" he asked. "Yeah..." she says almost in a panicked tone. The man points down the hallway. "The bathrooms are over there." says the man. He points down the hallway. "Thanks," she said and rushes pass by him. He turns to walk down the hallway and smiles. . . . After cleaning up her bloody nose in the bathroom, Xandra heads back to the Conference room with a few minutes to spare. She noticed an empty seat next to hers. Kenneth was gone. She sat back down and participated throughout the meeting.