10/7/3107 Her foggy brain didn't know why she let herself to wake up early. Maybe Xandra's brain went back to the times where she was in school and thought it would be "fun" to go on autopilot for "nostalgia's sake". She sees Kirby in the hallway and she gives him a tired smile. "Mornin', you're here early." he says. She was too tired for words and only gave him a "Mmph.". She then felt someone hug her which woke her up a little bit by surprising her. "Milo...?" she said. The hug squeezed tighter as conformation. "Hey, there buddy." she tells the boy spirit as she goes to pat his head. "Alright... you can let go, now..." "No..." he said in a small voice. `Aw~` she thought. "Okay, I know I missed you, too.". She pats his head, again and he lets go. He looks up in her eyes and smiles. She smiles back. "I missed you... Miss... Xandra." "So, what do you want to do?" asked Xandra. She was in Kirby's office along with him. Kirby shrugs. "I mean Del invited me for lunch." he said. "If you wanna come, you can." Xandra nods. "Well, what do you want to do now?" she asked. "We can go jump off a bridge." said Kirby. "What?" "Just kidding." he said. He then laughed, but to Xandra there was a hint of something off in his laugh. Then she remembered what Stanley told her. "Are you okay?" she asked. "Er... yeah, I'm just kinda tired. That's all."