1/2/3107 Xandra was called into The Cozy Cabin to help with one of her coworkers, Christopher Gibson and Micheal Tristin gather their other coworkers go to their home and sober up. She walked into the bar just after the countdown to see Charles kissing Micheal on the cheek. She sits next to Kirby, who had his head down. "Are you okay...?" she asks him. He then looks at her with wet eyes. "Oh..." He sniffs. "Hic, not everybody loaves me." he sobbed. "Oh... do-do you want a hug... or something...?" she asked. He nods. "Okay, come here." He leans on her shoulder, leaving a tear and snot stain on her shirt. "Xandra..." Chris said to Xandra. "Just let her... don't..." Micheal said to him. Xandra strokes his hair as he buries his face on her shoulder. "Ah, o-oh.". She places her hand on his head. "We're doing this, now? Okay... You're so sweet, you know that?" "You say so?" "I know so." She then turns Chris. "Where’s his cousin?" He points over to Stanley, laying down on the floor, microphone in hand and giggling to himself. "Ah, is he okay?" "I'll go check on him..." he sighed. . . . Later along in while Micheal was driving his van, Charles slept in the front and Stanley slept leaning up against Chris. Kirby starts to sing, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...". He kept repeating that one line. He sounded heartbroken trying to find the next verse. Xandra joins in, "You make me happy, when the skies are gray." Chris sighed and joined in. "You'll never know, dear. How much I love you~" "Please don't take my sunshine away...~" Micheal sang. A small amount of minutes of silence have passed. Kirby sadly looks at the floor. "I winna go home..." he said. Chris looks at Xandra. She smiles. "We will..." says Chris. . . . Once they’ve arrived at the Lennard's residence, Kirby started whimpering apologies. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." He kept repeating that, until he was basically crying on Xandra's shoulder again. Chris has gotten inside to put Stanley to bed and they were near the couch. Xandra told him to sit down and asked him why he was apologizing. "Fore lefin' you beehyn." he said as he sat down. She sat down next to him. "But I’m right here." said Xandra, placing her hand on his back. He covered his eyes with his hands under his glasses. "No..." he groaned. She patted and rubbed his back, something her mother used to do whenever she got upset. He rubbed his teary eyes, leaving his glasses to land lop-sided on his face. He placed one of his arms on his lap and the other on his right side. He was still looking down, still with tears in his eyes. They both hugged each other. . . . Kirby later fell asleep as Chris saw them as he walked back downstairs. Xandra looked at Chris and mouthed the words, "Help me.". He rolls his eyes and chuckles softly. He struggled helping her out of his grasp. "I didn’t really want to get off of him because I might wake him up." she whispered. "He will be okay." he told her. "They both will." She took Kirby's glasses off and placed it on the coffee table in front of the couch and waited for Chris to find an extra blanket to tuck Kirby in.