2/25/3107 A family was driving home from a grocery shopping trip. A vehicle larger than the car that they were driving in turned and crashed into them. Which seemed to last a few seconds, an ambulance came. The paramedics told the son that "They're gone.". Tears streamed down his face, blurring everything--the flashing lights of the ambulance, the car lights and the faces of the paramedics; making them seem like that they were faceless humanoids. The son went over to the bodies on the stretcher. As he was looking at the dead body of his father, one grabbed his wrist. "Kirby!" it called out. His mother called out, "Kirby!". His name rang in his head. He then woke up from his nightmare. His cousin, Stanley sitting on the side of his bed, had his hands on his shoulders. He looked at Stanley with wide eyes and panting. "Milo told me you were crying... I just... You were having a bad dream, were you...?" Kirby sighs and nods. His breathing is more shaky now. Stanley hugs him. Kirby wraps his arms around his cousin. He starts crying on his shoulder. "It's alright." Stanley told him in a calming tone. "You're okay, now..." He rubs Kirby's back. Kirby's breathing became more shallow… more relaxed. "Please, stay..." he whimpered. "... of course." Stanley said with a smile. He lets go of him. Kirby scoots over as Stanley starts to lay down. He looks at Milo standing next to the bed. He smiles and pats the bed. Milo looked over to his hand and then back to Kirby. He sees Stanley laying behind him and decides to do the same. They start to snuggle. For the first time, Milo smiles.