4/20/3111 "Right, I'm going to bed." said Xandra as she walked towards the stairs. "Okay, goodnight." went Nathan. She was about to place her foot on the first step, she hears a character on TV go, "Dean?". She quickly walks over to sit next to her roommate. "I thought you were going to bed?" "This is only getting good, though." "I know, right?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DaVinci's Archive Ext. The void -- sunrise Dean nods. Ash runs over to Dean, hugging him. Both boys have tears in their eyes. Ash lets go and cups Deans face gently brushing it with his hands. He notices a scar reaching from a corner of his forehead to his cheek. Ash: "You're hurt..." Dean: "I'll be fine." He smiles as a black liquid leaks down from his scar Ash: "But what have they done to you? You made me worried sick...! What is... this stuff?" Dean looks down in shame. Dean: "I'm sorry..." Ash sighs and places his hand on Dean's shoulder. Belle: "Dean? Is that you?" Dean: "Belle!" A man walks next to her. Dean: "Mr. LeBraun, I-" Steve: "No need to say anything, son. Me and your father are glad you're safe. Now, let's go help Joan bail Zach out of jail." Dean: "Why? What did he do?" Steve: "Nothing. The townsfolk thought he caused all of that because he's a great grandchild of a cult leader." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------