4/25/3111 As Xaiver followed Natalia to a meeting in the Director of Site-260's office, "Ah, you're here." said their Superior, Whitney Delilahs. "Seems like you've got the memo... question, where is Doe?" "Doe?". Natalia tilted her head. "Steven." said Xaiver. He sighs, "Don't worry, he's always like this. Says he has to go to the bathroom and then goes off to do something else." "How long do you think it would take for you to find him?" "Well, I'm no bloodhound... so, I'm not sure." The door opens and in walks Delgado-the Site Director, Kirby and Kenneth. "I see you're missing someone as well." Whitney noticed. "Xandra gets bored easily during meetings like this, so she goes off to do her own thing." says Kenneth. "Right, now she's treating the Archive storage as a library." "Ah, I see." `Oh my God, she's right.` Natalia thought as she took a quick glance at Kirby. `It's sort of looking at a phone filter.` . . . Xandra walks into the storage room and closes the door behind her. She sees the light of the Archivist—Greg Cuffer's desk lamp that sat on near the edge. He looks up, waves a furry hand-paw at her and goes back to his laptop. She waves back and walks to the left, further into the room. She ran her hand over the dusty, metal shelves filled with file sorters labeled with the item number for each SCP. She sneezed. "Bless you." said a voice in the wall. "Er... thanks." she answered. Greg walks over, hearing the voice too. He sniffs the wall. He wasn't familiar with the smell. They both exchanged glances. "Who... are you...?" she asked. "Ya think it's a D-class 'bout to escape." Greg whispered. She shrugged. "Well, I mean. If it were, wouldn't you think they'd be smarter than is." she muttered back. "Um... do you mind stepping back a bit?" Greg flattened his ears. They stepped back a few paces from the wall and watched a shadowy, slime-like creature with many-eyes, waving at them. It then morphed into a dark-haired man with half of his face in the same shadowy mass with four eyes. His other eye was green. Xandra squeaks and averts her eyes. "Uh, sir. Where are your clothes?" The man looks down. "Eh! They must be on the other side of this room. I'll be right back.". He goes through the floor, again and out the door. He comes back behind them. He taps on Greg's shoulder. Greg turns around to see the man, now wearing glasses, a bandage over one eye and a bandaid on his nose holds out his hand. "I'm Steven! Steven Doe at your service!" Xandra also turns around. She sees the man wearing a dark blue-gray sweater vest over a white dress shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers. She takes his hand. "I'm Xandra." Steven grabs her hand with both of his own hands, squeezing it and shaking it aggressively. The door opens and in walks Xaiver. He sees Steven peak from behind one of the shelves. "Oh! Hi, Xaiver!"