7/7/3109 Kenneth and Xandra came to The Cozy Cabin Bar with Delgado for his birthday after traveling to places. "I can't carry him to the apartment. He's too tall." she says. "You know he's insecure about that." says Kenneth. "Not when he's drunk." "Yeah, I know. But how are we supposed to take him home? It’s too late now to tell him to slow down." "Hmm... heh, watch this...". She turns to Delgado. "Hey, big guy! Del!" "Ye..." slurs Del. "Wanna go for a ride?" she asked. Delgado nods. Xandra then turns to Kenneth and asked, "So, you're driving?" "Yep." . . . They arrived at the door of his apartment. Kenneth with Delgado’s room key opens the door. Delgado was clinging on the back of Xandra. Xandra was holding onto his wrists as they were flopped over her shoulders. "R u a ghost?" asked Delgado. "What?" "Cuz damn gurl u lift up my spirits." She chuckles. "Okay, tall and handsome. Let's go in." "Wut ded u jis call me?" She starts to scream internally. 'He's going to remember that! Oh, wait. He's drunk. You can't remember anything after a hangover. I think... I mean I never been drunk before, the only thing similar was dehydration and I know THAT'S NOT THE SAME THING--okay, breathe and just carry him inside...'. Xandra sighs and they all walk into the room. She scooches him up to a more comfortable spot on her back by gently, but firmly pulling his arms a bit more. "He's like a giant sloth. Very clingy." she thought. "What did you just call him?" asked Kenneth. "Shut up..." Xandra muttered. After of some time struggling to put Delgado on the couch to sleep, he pulled Xandra right next to him. "Yep, very clingy." . . . Delgado groggily wakes up. He finds himself on his couch. He glances over to his left to see... Kenneth and on his right... Xandra? They were both leaning on him, sleeping. All three of them were sharing a blanket. Xandra had her hand on Del's stomach. He places his hand on top of her's. He had his arm Kenneth. Both of Kenneth's arms was over his. Del slowly went back to sleep.