7/8/3109 Delgado woke up to the smell of breakfast being made. He sees an empty paper plate placed on the coffee table in front of him with splotches of syrup. "Good Morning." said Xandra, who was standing in front of him. He rubs the sleepy off of his face, even though the hungover feeling stayed. He looks over to see Kenneth in the kitchen. Kenneth walks into the living room and places two more plates of pancakes. "You look horrible." he says. "Ugh... I feel horrible..." Delgado groaned. The tow-headed man gestured to a bottle of maple syrup. "Syrup?" Delgado pauses for a moment, then nods. Kenneth pours the syrup on Delgado's pancakes. "Y'know this has to be my favorite breakfast item." he said as he picks up his plate and takes a bite out of his pancake. "Mhm... my first foster mom used to make these..." A there was a few seconds of silence, until Xandra piped up, "he way you phrased that sounded depressing.". Delgado places his hands on his face. "I know, I’m sorry." he whined. "S'all, right." she says as she pats his back. "Why don't you get yourself cleaned up?" He sniffs and nods. He then gets up to the bathroom. "Was he crying?" asked Kenneth in a whisper. Xandra nods. Kenneth covers his mouth, swallowing his remaining pancake. Delgado comes out of the bathroom, feeling a little bit refreshed. "You doing alright?" Kenneth asked. Delgado nods with a slight smile and heads to the couch to sit down. Xandra rubs his back. He sighs contently. He liked that. It felt... "Kenneth--" Xandra said. Kenneth nods and quickly gets the trashbin from the kitchen. He comes back to the living room and places it in front of their boss. “No need... I've already done... all of that in the bathroom... I just need time to relax." said Delgado. "Okay..." said Kenneth. Xandra looked at Delgado with sympathy. "Xandra..." She wanted to stay, but... "Kid, we need to let him rest.". She sighs and hugs Delgado. He hugs back and pats her, telling her to let go. She gets up to follow Kenneth. She stops at the threshold and mouths to Delgado, "See you at work." While waiting for Xandra, Nathan was watching television. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DaVinci's Archive Ext. Lighthouse -- Dusk A woman is standing at the edge of a cliff near a lighthouse. At the bottom of the cliff is a dark, shadowy void. A man approaches her. Steve: "Bella! The hell are you doing!?" Bella: "I wasn’t going to jump, Steve." Steve: "I... well... I know... someone who would..." Bella: "Hunter...?" Steve nods. Bella: "... you care for him, don't you?" Steve: "I love him like a brother." Hunter, internally: "It followed me home... it likes to hide... but I know... it's there... I can feel it..." Hunter looks to a shadowy area inside of his closet. Hunter, internally: "I've always asked it why it was here. All I've gotten... were echoes... it's fine, it can stay." Ash: "We’re lost, aren't we?" Dean: "We're not lost." Ash: "Yes, we are! We've been going in circles for who knows how lon--!" Dean: "Sush, quiet...! Did you hear that?" Ash: "Hear what and if it's a "Cowardly bitch", then I swear--!" Dean runs off to the direction he heard the noise. Ash: "Hey, where are you going!?" Ash follows Dean, but trips over a root. He gets up and looses sight of Dean. Ash: "Dean! Dean, wait up!" He goes to look for Dean. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xandra walks into the room, singing "We Don't Talk About Bruno". "Bruno is actually a name of a character in this show." Nathan says. "Really?" "Yeah... he's one of the character's dad, I think. I've heard that he appears in this episode." She sits right next to him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DaVinci's Archive Ext. The void -- Evening A man in cloak approaches Dean. He takes it off and changes his form to look like his father. Nero: "Hello." Dean: "Dad?" Nero: "Yes, it is me. Your father." Dean: "You’ve been here for the past four years!" Nero: "Come with me, I'll explain everything..." Dean follows Nero. He turns around, hearing footsteps behind him Ash: -panting- "Mr. Silvtohven, is that really you?" Bruno: "Yes, kid. It’s me." Ash: "Why are you wearing that creepy cloak?" Bruno: "To blend in here. But please leave, this place isn't for place for a... boy like you. It's too dangerous." Ash: "But you saw that shape-shifting freak, right?" Bruno: "I have... please go... you don't want your mother to get worried. sick, do you?” Ash: "No, but--" Bruno: "No buts, do as I say and go home." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I like him. I think he's pretty cool." says Xandra. "Really?" "What? Do you like him, too?" "No, you missed one of my favorites." he tells her. "His name was Steve and he looked and sounded like Walter White." "Pffft... does he have bandages on his face?" "Yeah, he's blind in one eye." "Oh. I like him even more now." "Hehe... of course you do."