8/11/3109 Thunder rumbles outside of Kenneth's office. He walks out of the room, closing and locking the door as it was the end of his shift. After a flash of lightning, thunder rumbled even more louder. Kenneth started breathing, heavily. "Are you okay there, Kent?" a voice asked. He looked up. It was Kirby. He begins to reach out to hold onto Kirby's sleeve. "Afraid of the upcoming storm?" says Kirby. "Yeah... something like that..." he tells him. Another series of thunder sounded. Kenneth squeezed onto his sleeve even harder. 'It's that serious, huh?' Kirby thought. He then pulled Kenneth into a hug. Kenneth squeezed back, clinging onto him. Kirby stroked the back of his head. He then had an idea... "Yeah, it's seems like it's been a long day for both of us." he said as he reaches down to Kenneth's knees. "Wait, what are you doing?" "Alright, easy up--" Kirby says as he lifts him up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "DO I WEIGH ANYTHING TO YOU!?" "Nah..." says Kirby. 'Xandra is right, you are like a cat.'. He shifts Kenneth up a bit to make him more comfortable and keep him from slipping. "Now, quit grabbing onto me; you're not gonna fall." "You sure?" "Promise!" Later, Kenneth falls asleep and Kirby places him on the couch in the breakroom. He sits next to him as Kenneth curls up, leaning his head against Kirby's thigh. He smiles.