9/14/3103 The only lightsource was the sun coming from outside into the window of Kirby's office. He's sitting in his office chair, staring at nothing and deep in thought. Too many thoughts. It had been a rough day for him. Someone walked in, giving him a little bit of a startle. "Hey, Kir--dude, are you okay?" said his cousin, Stanley standing right next to him. "Hm? Er, yeah--why?" "You're staring off into space, like you're expecting something scary to come by." Silence came from Kirby. "You're just thinking, huh?" "Uh, yeah. I guess..." he said, tirelessly, thinking about how his day went. Only a snippet of his reunion with his long lost childhood bestfriend, now the director of the Foundation, Delgado seemed to have played back. He knew that it was a few years ago. He smiled as Stanley placed his hand on his back and pats it. "Don't think too hard, okay?" said Stanley, starting to ruffle his hair. "Or your head will explode." Another person's silhouette is seen on the threshold of the room. "Hey, uh... we've caught a potential recruit just down the street." said the man. Stanley nods and along with the blond man at the door glanced over to Kirby. He now had his head resting on his crossed arms on his desk. He looked up at him with his eyes. "I guess you’re coming with me Stan." said the blond man. Stanley nods and walks away. He then turns to wave at Kirby with a smile that said, "Hang in there, buddy. I'll be right back." . . . Xandra walked past a lamppost near the apartment building that she lived in and then did a double take. Something on the lamppost caught her eye. A poster. She tears the poster off of the pole to examine it. A poster for a club. Its background was a dark, navy blue with small, white, star-like patterns. It also showed simple, line-less art of rockets that shot neon blue, orange, pink and green ignition fire as they flew through space. She thought the design of it was cute. She never joined a club before. Ever since high school and quite possibly college, she thought she would never have the time of joining one. Maybe now was her chance. She read what the club presented.''Science Club for People'' it said. ''Join us'' with a phone number on the bottom. Simple. No details. Which was odd, but whatever. She could learn as her time passed by in the club. She took it with her inside the apartment building, hoping that she could walk into the club whenever she wanted. Xandra walked into her apartment that she shared with her roommate, Nathan. "Hallo!" she called out and waited for a response. "Hewwo!" replied her roommate from his bedroom which was located right across from her bedroom. She headed upstairs to her bedroom to hang the poster up. Nathan walked in. He noticed the poster in her hands. "Have you tried calling the phone number?" he asked. "It’s probably a scam. I'll probably get lots of spam calling it." "Let me rephrase that. Have you tried?" She sighed. No, she hasn't tried. She just got to her room and thought the poster was neat. She checked the alarm clock next to her bed. "It's late." she said. "They're probably closed." "Do clubs really close? I thought you could walk in whenever." "Let me rephrase that. It. Is. Late." "Just at least text them." "Why do you want me to contact them?" "I mean isn't weird to have no details on a poster for a club. No website, no meet up spot with a certain time. Just a phone number." "Maybe they just don't care and are pretty chill about it, but fine... I'll look into it in the morning." That was his queue for him to leave just for his roommate to get ready for bed. She closed the door behind him as he walked out.