A few weeks after the accident, Stanley Lennard stands in the front of the threshold of his cousin’s bedroom. He sighs and walks in. "I'm worried about you." he says. "And I know this is coming from your only relative, but I mean it. I don't like seeing you like this." "Then turn away..." says Kirby. "I can't leave you, Kirbs. Throughout our childhood you stood up to me... I still owe you.". He sits next to Kirby and puts his hand on his cousin's back. "Say, why don't I offer you a job? It will take your mind off of things. Besides my boss is kind of chill." he says. He then taps Kirby's nose. "Did you just boop me?" "I'll do it, again." "I'll do it to you.". He taps Stan's nose. . . . The next day, Stanley woke him up early in the morning. He set out clothes for him on his dresser and closed the bedroom door. Kirby blinded by the light being turned on, groggily wakes up, groaning as he reaches for his glasses and puts them on. He gets out of his bed and walks over to where the clothes were placed. "What the...?" he thought out loud. On the dresser was a white dress shirt, a black waistcoat, and a red necktie. He puts them on and opens the door to walk out of the room. He notices Stanley in the kitchen. He could see that he wore a brown, cotton waistcoat over the same type of dress shirt Kirby wore. "Mornin'!" he said as turned to him. He wore a blue necktie. "Breakfast is ready~" Kirby was confused. Why were they dressed like this? "You look like a math teacher." Kirby groaned as he sat down at the table. His cousin snorts. "Alright, grump." he says as he places a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him. "Eat up. We gotta go to work, remember?" Kirby picks up a few pieces of scrambled egg with his fork. "Where?" he asked, taking a bite. "At a private school?" "An old friend of ours work there." said Stanley. "What?" he said. "I've said enough. Finish your food." "You're being weird." "Your new job is going to be a whole lot weirder." "Why? Is it someone with a butler fetish?" Stanley gave him a warning glance. "Okay, I'll shut up." Kirby said, averting his gaze. . . . They arrived at a building, only to have a sniper dot pointed at them. Kirby tensed up and both of them held up their hands. "Don't worry." said Stanley. "He's with me." The door unlocked and opened, giving them the clear to enter the building. Stanley started showing Kirby around the facility, until he felt a pair of eyes on him. He did a double take. The second glance over he locked eyes with someone. As he did, a wave of familiarity rushed over him. "Del...?". The person sped walked towards him. "Kirby!" Delgado Winfrey said, placing their on Kirby’s shoulder. They both hug each other. Delgado pats him on the back, queuing Kirby to let go. Kirby let's go with his hand on Delgado’s shoulder. He looks into their wet, teary eyes. "Are you crying?" asked Kirby. Delgado nods. Kirby hugs him, again. "I missed you, buddy." "Me too." whimpered Delgado. They both let go with Kirby holding onto Delgado’s wrists. "Now, stop. You're gonna get me started, too." His old childhood friend chuckles, wiping away their tears. Stanley then taps on his shoulder. He looks over and Stanley whispers in his ear. He then nods and turns to Kirby. . . . A brown-haired woman in a ponytail felt a little bit deja vu meeting this man. She knew him from somewhere, but she didn't know where. “Um... hi, do I know you?” she asked. The man shrugs and she follows him to their room. He then looks back to her. "Oh, um- I'm your roommate. I guess." she tells him. She shows him her key. He smiles. "Okay, roommate..." he says. He lends out his hand. "I'm Nathan." "Xandra.". She shakes his hand. They both walk into the apartment room.