Charles Thorne (Charlie)

Clearance: 3

Birthdate: July 24

Age: 25

Height: 6'1

Weight: 185~ lbs

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Gay

- Polyamorous

Description: A caucasian man of Irish descent with freckles on his neck and shoulders

Casual Clothing:

- T-shirt

- Jeans

Work Clothing (with Labcoat):

- Scrubs

Personality: He's only an asshole to his friends, besides that he's a nice guy



    Charles used to work as a baker before he used to work at the SCP Foundation.



- He would be that one kid who would find a bug and chase you around with it

- Teases Chris for being shorter than him, but he’s actually flirting

- Is also a little bit of a theatre nerd

- Can speak Bangla, Enochian, Latin, French, Arabic, and R'lyehian

- Smells slightly of vinegar

- Also knows morse code

- Favorite animals is the Indian Ringnecks and Alpacas


Voice Claim:  (Jelloapocalypse)