Greg Cuffers

“Ugh… ‘m gonna have a headache reading this.”

Clearance: 4

Birthdate: March 16

Age: 36

Height: 6'1

Weight: [Loading Error...]

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Asexual

Description: A caucasian man with red hair, freckles and a moustache; wears glasses

Casual Clothing:

- Polo

- Jeans

Work Clothing (with Labcoat):

- Brown coat

- Gray dress shirt

- Red necktie

- Jeans

Personality: [Loading Error...]



    Greg came to the site as an intern for Recordkeeping and Information Security Administration (RAISA). He had experience for working as a librarian in Fikshal, Michigan and was a former college professor, who taught psychology and neurology.



- Pulls all nighters organizing files

- Tired all the time

- Has been caught sleeping at his desk a few times

- Likes the sound of rain

- Favorite animals are corvids


Voice Claim:  (Let’s Read)
