Tyler Raibayashi

“I’m from a different Site, too! I just transferred here two-years ago!”

Clearance: 3

Birthdate: April 22

Age: 22

Height: 5'8

Weight: 290~ lbs

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

- Questioning

Description: A Japanese-American man with dark hair and eyes

Casual Clothing:

- A t-shirt

- Jeans

Work Clothing (with Labcoat):

- A t-shirt

- Jeans

Personality: [Loading Error...]



    Tyler graduated from college and found employment in a Site located in New Jersey, but then transferred to Site-260 a few years later.



- Can speak in German, Enochian, R'lyehian and Arabic

- Sketches, plays TTRPGS and video games as a hobby

- Gender non-conforming

- Also cosplays

- Submechanophobia


Voice Claim:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQwzFAeT04c  (The Chongo Show)

