3:50 PM
    This is Field Agent Brookyln. Something... just happened on one of our missions and... I... I just saw Loward slip off the cliff. Who knows what was down there. It was all dark and murky.  Sure he could be dead, but I don't believe it because he can be headstrong if need be.


 I know my fellow workers, especially Samson make fun of my constant "sleepovers" at work. But I don't see her nor either any of them–including O'Durei–teasing Caden, who literally  lives here at the dormitory's basement.

 4:45 PM
    I am now writing this at home. The higher-ups of my workplace decided to send Loward's obituary in the local newspaper.
 I think he's still out there... lost. I hope he's okay.


 Hate to sound nosy, but have you checked places near the cliff?

 –X Hen

 MichelKBrook says:
 I don't want to go back there, again. That place has very hostile entities. (btw you don't sound nosy to me, I know that you're only trying to help.) :)

 Wait, you have one of you're co-workers living in your dormitory basement!?

 Mind your buisness, dumbass


 Says the guy who can't spell busines right 🙄

 You can't either, so what's your point
