SCP-8158785 (The Ghost Town of Goatspond)

Article written by: Dr. Nevan Williams and Dr. Abigail Bane

Item #: SCP-8158785

Object: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: A twenty meter (20 m) radius in the forest of SCP-8158785 is to be secured by Mobile Task Force Gamma-4 under the guise of ████████ State Park rangers for the "Silvercore Recreational Park" (SCP-8158785-C).

  A 193.82 meter radius around SCP-8158785-A and SCP-8158785-B must be secured by Mobile Task Force Epsilon-6. Research personnel are to be accompanied with a personnel of either Mobile Task Force Zeta-9, Iota-10, Mu-13 or Psi-7 when entering or exiting the cellar of SCP-8158785-A.

  No one outside of the Foundation is to enter and is to be terminated by sniper fire.

Description: SCP-8158785 is a small town located in the county of Goatspond, ████████ in the midwest of the United States.

  SCP-8158785-A was the residence of Joseph "Jeeves" Thompson. It is said that Thompson still haunts the residence. He is an aggresive and angry spirit. It is also said that Thompson would scare off researchers by pushing them, throwing things at them or giving them the feeling of being choked. He is described to be at least six-foot tall and muscular with broad shoulders and wearing a brown flannel shirt and mud-covered jeans.

  On November 17, █████, Thompson had set his house ablaze and while inside he murdered his two children, Nyla and Benjamin; and his wife, Ella. It is reported that after firefighters had put out the fire and went inside they found the burnt remains of the three family members. Joseph's body was found in the bathroom. There was a kitchen knife in his hand that he used to slit his throat.


  Dr. Abigail Bane was sent to interview the two spirits reported by personnel. They both speak through an Ovilus* and an Onvoy**.

  The following is a recording of the interview between Dr. Bane and the spirit of Thompson:

  EVP Session 1

*Ovilus - a device that works by scanning through electrical signals and compares them to a list of words and phrases.

**Onvoy - a device that works by going through a variety of options. Meanwhile multiple sensors search for changes in the surrounding environment. As soon as a spike occurs, it makes a selection with an audio alert. When a sensor is triggered, it displays it on the screen.


 The fire of November 17, █████ was then spread from the house to the residence of Oswald Sach, or "Ossie" (SCP-8158785-B), who lived across from the Thompson residence. It is said that his spirit haunts the road between his home and the Thompson house. Personnel have reported the sound of running or pacing footsteps on the street when no one else is around. He's described to be smaller and thinner than Thompson and wears a yellow varsity jacket over a red and white shirt. It's assumed that he either graduated from college or was in college at the time he lived in the residential area of Fairy Circle.


 The following is an interview between Dr. Bane and Sach:

  EVP Session 2A

 The battery on the Onvoy had drained. Dr. Bane had to go back and get new batteries even though she remembered she had just gotten the Onvoy yesterday.

  EVP Session 2B


 The forest nearby SCP-8158785, designated SCP-8158785-C or "Honeybee Forest Nature Reserve" was once called Silvercore Recreational Park. Personnel had to change the name because the residents on the other side of the forest did not want remember what they call, "the two-year tragedy".

 They spoke little of it, but personnel have gathered enough context.

 At the age of ten, Joseph Thompson and his twelve year old brother, Harold went inside the forest. They were then caught in a storm and had to take shelter in an abandoned mine shaft. Only Joseph was the one to return back to the town. He reported that he lost Harold in the abandoned mines to a shadowy monster. A rescue team was then sent inside, but later showed up without Harold's body; which made Joseph believe that his brother was still alive.

 Ten years later, three girls did the same thing. After the storm was over, a rescue team was sent to find them. They said that one of the girls, Mary-Anne Parks died due to a cave in; though like Harold, they couldn't find her body. The other two girls were found unscathed, but visibly shaken.

 Dr. Nevan Williams and Agent Ibbotte were then sent to investigate SCP-8158785-C.

  EVP Session 3


 There have been reports of human-like shadowy figures wearing animal masks. Personnel led by Agent Ibbotte have lured one of them into a containment van. This entity has been designated SCP-8158785-C1.

 SCP-8158785-C1 is a six-foot tall humanoid figure with tattered clothing and a vulture mask.

 D-5442 was sent into SCP-8158785-C1's containment cell to see how the entity would react to docile humans.

 Afterwards D-5442 was later then monitored. The next day, the D-class personnel went into a psychosis and began hallucinating an entity with a similar description to Thompson's spirit.


  Therapy Session: 1/11/████


 D-5442 was then later given amnestics; after weeks of therapy with on-Site psychologist, Dr. Broward Collins.